
The school is affiliated to Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi and Affiliation Number is 630045.

The school falls within the jurisdiction of CBSE Regional Office Panchkula (Haryana). Our school number is 04361

Admission to the school is subject to the Entrance Test for classes I to IX. The Entrance Test Centre will be at Laureate Public School Shimla. The test is to gauge the age specified skills in linguistics and logic-mathematics. The entrance test is held only for admission up to class 9th. For entrances to class 11th, admission is considered on the basis of the Board’s result of class 10th.The Admissions team is available between 9AM to 5PM on all days.

Please call us at (+91) 62303-1111 for any admissions query or campus visit, we would be happy to assist you.

The school is at a distance of 375 KMs approximately from Delhi NCR

You can reach the Kalka via rail or road. After travelling by road for another 80kms, you can reach Bharari (Shimla). It takes about two hour KalkaJi or Panchkula.

The nearest airport is located at Shimla Airport a distance of 25 kms and you can further travel up to Shimla Mall Road via road. There are a plenty of options available from the airport. It would take about 30 minutes to reach the school.

The school is located in Bharari Shimla. It is at a distance of 04 Kms from Shimla Railway station, 80 kms from Chandigarh and 22 kms from the Jubbarhatti, the nearest airport from Shimla.

Yes. The girls’ hostel is situated separately and is located away from all the other blocks in the campus.

The dorm parents/wardens along with their assistants take care of the boarders.

The school has a fully stocked canteen. It is open to the students on all Wednesdays and Sundays throughout the month. The students can pick their favourites items from the canteen in exchange of the coupons that they earn from their wardens in the hostels.

Our children are our strength and we care for them like our own. We nurture, develop and educate each of our students with knowledge, values and integrity.

We understand that your child can have stressful moments while he is away from home. So we do our best to make school his/her second home. We take special care and continually support the students; mentally, physically and emotionally. Our student counselor conducts regular counseling sessions to eradicate any serious underlying challenges.

The school has students from various countries like Thailand, Nepal, UAE and middle east etc.

Remedial classes are held for all weak students in every subject.

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