At Laureate Public School, we understand that a child’s well-being extends far beyond academics.  For boarding school students, who are away from their families, creating a safe and supportive environment that prioritizes their physical and mental health is paramount. 

We take a holistic approach to student well-being, offering a variety of programs and initiatives designed to nurture the physical, emotional, and social well-being of our students in boarding schools in Shimla.


Creating a Healthy and Safe Environment

How To Create a Healthy School Environment | Delos

The foundation of student well-being lies in a healthy and safe environment.  Here’s how we ensure this at Laureate:


Nutritious Meals: 

We provide well-balanced and nutritious meals prepared with fresh, high-quality ingredients. Our menus cater to diverse dietary needs and preferences, ensuring students receive the proper nourishment to fuel their academic and physical activities.


Hygiene and Sanitation: 

We maintain the highest standards of hygiene and sanitation throughout our campus. Our dormitories are clean and well-maintained, and we have protocols in place to prevent the spread of illness.


Medical Care: 

We have a qualified doctor and nurse on staff to address students’ medical needs. We also have tie-ups with nearby hospitals to ensure access to prompt and specialized care if needed.


Promoting Physical Activity and Healthy Habits

5 Ways to Promote Physical Activity Month at Your School

Physical activity is essential for maintaining good physical and mental health.  We encourage our students to participate in a variety of physical activities:


Physical Education Program:

Our robust physical education program offers a range of sports and fitness activities, catering to diverse interests and abilities. Students can participate in team sports like basketball or football, individual activities like swimming or yoga, or explore options like dance or aerobics.


Outdoor Activities: 

We make the most of our beautiful Himalayan location by organizing regular outdoor activities like hiking, nature walks, and camping trips. These activities not only provide students with fresh air and exercise but also foster a connection with nature and promote mental well-being.

Healthy Lifestyle Workshops: We conduct workshops on healthy living habits, educating students about the importance of balanced nutrition, proper sleep hygiene, and stress management techniques.


Nurturing Emotional Well-being

Nurturing Emotional Well-being


A supportive and caring environment is crucial for students’ emotional well-being.  Here are some ways we provide emotional support:


Counseling Services: 

We have a team of qualified counselors who provide individual and group counseling sessions to students. Students can seek guidance on academic pressures, homesickness, social anxieties, or any other emotional concerns they may have.


Peer Support Networks:

We foster a strong sense of community within our school, encouraging students to build supportive relationships with their peers. Senior students act as mentors to younger students, offering guidance, friendship, and a sense of belonging.


Positive Reinforcement:

We celebrate students’ achievements, both academic and non-academic, fostering a sense of self-esteem and motivation. We create a positive and encouraging environment where students feel comfortable taking risks and learning from their mistakes.


Building Resilience and Life Skills

Building Resilience and Life Skills

Boarding school life can teach valuable life skills that benefit students well beyond their academic years.  Here’s how we help students develop resilience and life skills:


Time Management Skills:

Living away from home necessitates effective time management. We provide workshops and guidance to help students develop skills for effectively scheduling their studies, extracurricular activities, and personal time.


Independence and Self-reliance:

Boarding school fosters a sense of independence and self-reliance in students. They learn to manage their belongings, take care of their personal needs, and advocate for themselves. These skills empower them to become self-sufficient and confident individuals.


Problem-Solving Skills:

Living in a community presents various challenges, and we encourage students to develop problem-solving skills. Through open communication and collaboration, students learn to navigate disagreements, resolve conflicts, and find solutions to everyday challenges.


The Laureate Advantage: Investing in Student Well-being

Managing Chronic Diseases at School – Children's Health

At Laureate Public School, we believe that a happy and healthy student is a successful student.  By prioritizing student well-being and providing a holistic learning environment, we empower our students to thrive not just academically but also personally and socially.


Here’s what sets Laureate apart:

Focus on the Whole Child: 

We recognize that students are more than just test scores. We focus on nurturing the whole child, considering their physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development.

Open Communication and Collaboration: We maintain open communication channels with students, parents, and faculty. This allows us to identify student needs early on and provide the necessary support and resources.


A Caring and Supportive Community 

Our dedicated faculty and staff go beyond academics, acting as mentors and confidantes for our students.  They are approachable and supportive, creating a safe space for students to express their concerns and seek guidance.

Partnership with Parents:

We believe that a strong partnership with parents is essential for student well-being. We keep parents informed about their child’s progress, address any concerns they may have, and work together to create a supportive environment for both the student at school and the family back home.